The burning question on the minds of Going Under readers...What happened to Jessie in the last chapter? When I wrote Going Under, I never dreamed that the readers would want to know the details of what happened to Jessie in the last chapter if they got their conclusion in The Epilogue. Guess I should have seen that coming, but I hear what you're screaming. I have considered going back and adding an explanation, but I don’t think that would be fair to the people who have already purchased Going Under. I’m still debating what to do. It wasn't in my plans, but many readers have asked for a book about Payton. If I decide to write her story, it would include the details of what happened to Jessie in that book to give my readers what they need to satisfy their curiosity. Thanks guys for all of your wonderful and informative reviews and feedback. This is how an author learns to write better stories in the future.
I made the decision to change my covers for The Agape Series because I never really loved them. I settled for them because I couldn't find anything I liked better. I've been hard at work on Blood Jewel and it's going to be awesome, so it deserves a really great cover. Those of you that have read Blood of Anteros will understand the butterfly element.
I do my own covers, so I would love to hear your opinion. :) ![]() The only photo I've published of myself was a picture I took with my old dinosaur cell phone while I sat in a hotel room waiting on my pal, Jenn, to get ready for a Journey, Foreigner and Night Ranger concert. Yeah...I guess I'm telling my age on that one. Anyway... I had my husband take some pictures of me today. I guess it beats the self portrait I was using. The problem with being the mother in the family is that you're always the one behind the camera and no one can take a picture the way you can. But...I gotta give credit where it's due. The hubby did a great job. Thanks, babe! I have some interesting song choices these days as I ease back into The Vampire Agápe Series. Want to see a glimpse at what I'm rocking out to so you can guess what I'm writing about? Feel free to make some guesses. I'd love to hear your thoughts. I'll give you a hint: All of my choices sound dark and gothic.
Together Again- Evanescence Sleep Alone- Bat For Lashes For the Heart I Once Had- Nightwish Somewhere- Within Temptation Memories- Within Temptation Angels- Within Temptation I've Got You Under My Skin- Seether Don't leave my comments at 0. Come on!! Help a sister out! Now that Going Under is complete, it's time to get back to Blood Jewel. Although I loved writing Jessie & Claire's story, I'm incredibly excited about getting back to Chansey & Curry. I have so many ideas racing through my head at the moment. Hope I don't get brain overload.
Many of you have already figured out Going Under released a few days early and I couldn't be happier. It is currently available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords. It was a lot of fun to write and I'm looking forward to hearing what you think about it.
Happy Reading, Georgia A Special Thanks to Shelly Crane...
The gracious and fabulous Young Adult Author Shelly Crane added Chapter One of Going Under as a preview in her latest novel, Defiance. Defiance is the 3rd installment in her Significance Series. Chapter One of her book, Significance, may be found as a preview in Going Under, as well. All of Shelly's books may be purchased at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Check her out if you haven't already. She is supremely talented. ![]() I just finished Going Under and I'm totally blissed out about it. It took it's own turn of events and told me what I was going to write. The editing process begins now. I feel like dancing to that song 'What a Feeling!' Who knows? Maybe I will. Maybe I will. March 13th has snuck up on me. I can't believe it's only 8 days until Going Under is released. (Squealing like a teen girl) It's been a roller coaster, but so much fun. The minute it is out, I promise to get back to Blood Jewel. The good news is Blood Jewel is probably almost half finished so I hope to have it out in May.
I've had a lot of interest shown in Marsala and questions about what happened to her. Never fear.... She will make her return and the sparks will fly. |
Georgia CatesNew York Times and USA Today Best-Selling Author
June 2024